Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
855 signatures had been collected at the last time

Thank you for your support!

DOLY   2003/03/11 00:38:20   Japan
hamakko   2003/03/11 00:36:29   Japan
robert smith   2003/03/11 00:32:36   Japan
This message might be included Japanese character(s).
初めて観た洋楽バンドがキュアーです。前座が ラブロケとピクシーズでした。今でもずっと聴 いています。又、黒づくめでライブ行きたいで す!!! 

kucing   2003/03/10 22:47:13   Japan
komakino   2003/03/10 20:42:46   Italy
Well, obviously living in Italy I'm not really affected by the boys not touring Japan, but I can't even imagine how unnerving must be to be waiting for them since 1984!  

むう   2003/03/10 20:18:11   Japan
JUN   2003/03/10 19:04:29   Japan
This message might be included Japanese character(s).
新譜が出て、来日してくれたら言うことは ありません。期待してます。 

まゆみ   2003/03/10 18:25:16   Japan
This message might be included Japanese character(s).

gibus   2003/03/10 18:01:25   france
how can they survive without cure shows ?  

Jerome   2003/03/10 17:57:03   France
Japan needs THE CURE ! and it will give me a chance to visit this nice country... Jerome 

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   Wish The Cure to come to Japan...
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