Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
855 signatures had been collected at the last time

Thank you for your support!

きょうこ   2003/03/19 08:42:45   Japan
This message might be included Japanese character(s).
一度も見たことがありません。 Japanese whispers以来です。 

ocsecnarf   2003/03/19 05:23:00   Italy
sim   2003/03/18 20:37:49   England
Please let The Cure come to Japan! I am definitely sure that they are the best band in the world. Having every album they have released, and having gone to the show in Hyde Park, London, I think everyone should be able to see this incredible band. Please, please, please let The Cure go to Japan!!! 

Yuz   2003/03/18 16:21:58   China
come back come back why can't you see? come back come back come back to east asia!!! 

binoche   2003/03/18 14:31:57   Japan
This message might be included Japanese character(s).
83年頃だったでしょうか。 遠い札幌からRobertを思っていました。 2003年の今もこの恋は、終わっていません。 来日を願ってやみません。 "whatever words I say I will always love you." 

JUJU   2003/03/18 13:34:16   Japan
はぎりん   2003/03/18 11:06:05   Japan
This message might be included Japanese character(s).
見たこと無いのでぜひライブ希望します。 海外に行くのは無理です。 WISH ! 

Joe Stearns   2003/03/18 06:02:16   USA
Ole   2003/03/18 05:23:18   Denmark
Hugs   2003/03/18 01:05:42   Uk
I think this petition should be suported by all Cure fans regardless of whetther they will be able to attend the proposed concert .Why?..Why not??  

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   Wish The Cure to come to Japan...
| Contacts | - Since 18th November 2002 |