Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
Petition for The Cure Live in Japan 30th September, 2004(2nd deadline)
30th September, 2003(1st deadline)
Japanese     Petition for The Cure Live in Japan

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in to the trees   2004/08/14 13:23:48   Japan

I've been waiting for the cure to come back Japan for almost 20 years. No-one thinks it's short. Come to Japan in the near future. Pleeeeease!!! 

Ben   2004/08/14 03:57:30   England

I think the Japanese people have waited long enough for a Cure show. I can't imagine how gutted i would be if I had never got to see one. 

君の写真   2004/08/14 02:15:13   Japan

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大阪へは、フェスティバルホールなどで。 大阪城ホールは広すぎる! 

NaO   2004/08/14 00:05:35   Japan

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ダーと一緒に観に行きます。全部、行きたい と思っています。 

MaKoTo   2004/08/14 00:03:37   Japan

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oyoyoyoyon   2004/08/13 14:27:02   Japan

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15年来のファンです。ぜひとも来日公演実 現して頂ける様お願いいたします。 

you you you   2004/08/13 00:11:29   Japan

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オケイ   2004/08/12 23:41:47   Japan

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待ちくたびれました。でもまだまだ待ち続 けます。 

Aki   2004/08/12 19:45:02   Japan

Dear the mebers of The Cure, I've been listening "The Cure" since your debut, and, it's been always one of my best band. I was so excited with The Cure's gigs in London when I was living there. As you may notice with this requests...YES! there are many of Japanese peope who urge you to come over to show your absolutely fabulous performance. We really hope our dream comes true. 

ヒミズ   2004/08/12 11:58:23   Japan

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いい加減に来いっ!!死ぬまで待つぞ。諦めね えっ。 

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Petition for The Cure Live in Japan

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